BONDI WATER is offering you a FREE
60-day trial to learn more about your building’s water consumption.
We install a free IoT sensor on to your water meter, allowing YOU to measure in real time the water consumption in your building.
You are currently wasting up to 20% of the water in your building due to running toilets. BONDI Water’s sensor and water audit helps building owners measure the loss and understand the magnitude of impact on net income.
How much water you are using in real-time, both in volume and monetary value.
When you are using water during the day
How much water you are using overnight
What your peak consumption periods are by day of week and time of day
If your consumption is going up or down over time
How much of your daily flow is indicative of continuously running water and represents a LEAK
BONDI Water will discuss the data with your team and highlight water leaks and usage issues.
BONDI Water will share ideas with you about what you can do FIX the problems.
We believe the Flowie Sensor is a great tool and it makes our job easier. Without gaining a better understanding of your water environment we can’t help you and the Flowie sensor helps educate us and YOU at the same time and minimizes the amount of time required to do so.
The Flowie works on “pulse” water meters and takes a more frequent reading of the pulse’s emitted by the meter.
The data gathered by the Flowie is used to populate an algorithm which in turn learns over time what is normal and what is abnormal. With this insight, the software learns to predict and notify where the activity is abnormal and by how much. This is an example of the data and output from an installation over the period of one (1) week.
The City of Toronto My Water is a great tool for accessing historical data but does not provide the same level of insight as the Flowie. For larger buildings, it reports on both registers independent of one another. (most larger buildings have two registers — one for low flow and one for high flow). The result is you do not get the total picture and have to take extra steps to download data to excel, combine the files and then self analyze yourself. The portal is not intuitive in that the data is static and it does not provide alerts or learn and share insight from consumption.
The installation process takes approximately ten (10) minutes and is supported by a simple install video from our Partners at Alert Labs. You do not have to shut-off the water.
It is as simple as:
Unpacking the sensor
Plugging in the sensor to power source
Screwing in the antenna
Strapping the antenna to the meter register
Taking two pictures on your phone and
Submitting photos to blangois@bondicorp.com
We can offer to do the installation for you or in certain circumstances support your facilities / operation team to complete this straight forward installation themselves.
You may learn there is no leak activity being reported and your consumption is predictable in terms of flow activity Monday to Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday, and you’re in good shape, OR,
There is unexplained consumption that requires further investigation, OR,
You have leaks that are costing you money.