2 Armel Court, Toronto, ON

18 Story - 1970’s High Rise | 253 Unit Building | 275 Toilet Count

20% Water Saved Annually
$68,000 Saved Annually


  • Overnight volume ranging from 3,500 - 4,000 L / Hour 

  • No controls or capability to target and limit loss from running toilets

  • Fill valve issues and worn flush seals contributing to running / leaking toilets

  • Behaviour of tenants such that leaking toilets went un-reported 


  • Overnight volume dropped to 1,700 L / hour with motion-activated flow control from Guard Dog Valve

  • Hourly volume dropped by 50%

  • Impact of Tenant Behaviour negated with motion sensing control valve

Toilet Inventory:
Primarily consists of 3.0L / 0.8 G Toilets with vacuum assist flush mechanism flush and standard Fluidmaster Fill valves.

Historical and Post Installation Metrics:

  • For the month immediately prior to installation, the average volume at 3 am in the subject property was 3,166 L or 12.51 L /  Unit / Hour.

  • The installation project was completed over two separate time periods: April 9th - 12th and April 26th

  • The measured volume for May 1st - May 13th is 2,191 L / H or 8.65 L / Unit  / Hour

  • The table pictured captures the 3 am Volume from March 1st 2024 to May 13th 2024.

  • The projected savings on an annualized basis is 8,535 m3 which at current rates equates to $38,500.

  • The total project cost ws $66,000 pointing to a simple payback of 1.7 years (assuming no water / sewer rate increase in 2025).

Overnight Volume Trajectory

3071 Perry Avenue, Bronx, NY

12 units

34.2% Water Saved Annually
$6,500 Saved Annually


  • No controls or regulation of flow for showers, aerators and toilets

  • Older fixtures contributing to inefficient water usage 


  • In-suite efficiency upgrades to reach EPA standard flow rate

  • Installation of the Toilet Scrooge™ valve to eliminate leaks from running toilets.

Historical Metrics:

  • The starting point for this building was annual sewer and water costs of $19,008.2023.

  • Average consumption: 289 Gallons / Unit / Day

  • February - April 2024 Average consumption: 190 Gallons / Unit / Day - 34.2% savings.

  • This installation led to a steady decline in the average daily consumption volume.

Return on Investment:

  • The net benefit of the Water Scrooge™ conservation program is annual savings of approximately $6,500.

  • This is calculated using:

  • The initial average usage of 3,471 Gallons / Day (2023 Consumption)

  • The revised average usage of 2,286 Gallons / Day (2024)

  • Water and Sewer Cost of $0.015 / Gallon

  • Hot water savings of $59.25 daily

The payback period on the $5,400 investment is over ten months, with an ROI of 116%

Return on Investment over 10 years:

80 Mornelle Court, Toronto, ON

265 units

32% Water Saved Annually
$86,000 Saved Annually


  • No monitoring on main water supply to isolate variances and spikes in usage

  • No ability to address loss from running / leaking toilets

  • Double-digit growth in water expense year over year


  • Decrease water expense in the building through (A) efficiency/conservation measures and (B) minimizing water loss
    due to leaks.

  • Install flow valve sensors on toilet supply lines (Guard Dog Valve(™)

Historical Metrics:

  • Annual Sewer and Water Costs in excess of $350,000 or $1,300 / unit

  • Day 1 Consumption was 246 m3 / day

  • Full Calendar Year after Water Renewal Daily Consumption 181 m3  / day

Return on Investment:

  • The net benefit of this Shared Savings Water Program (highlighted by the deployment of the Guard Dog Valve on the toilets) is a net reduction of 20% against a Baseline of 222 m3 / day.

  • Using our Shared Savings Model, the customer is enjoying net savings of $35,000 / year with no capital or operating expense.

  • The uplift in property value is approximately $800,000 with no money out of pocket and the piece of mind that a capable third party is motivated to continue to monitor, manage and control water expenses.

Daily consumption Feb 16th - Feb 27th